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Buy the big 'O'

Buy the big O!

The region’s largest business-to-business trade show accommodates up to 400 exhibitors and anticipates an audience of 5,000 visitors this year. The event has come a long way from its humble beginnings, with just 10 businesses exhibiting and 100 attendees at its 1990 debut.

Nebraska Trucking

Nebraska Trucking

A nonprofit trade association with over 800 members. an advocate for commercial truck and bus businesses since 1940. a forum where industry leaders work together to guide industry policy, legislation and best practices.

Nebraska Logistics Council

Nebraska Logistics Council

The Nebraska Logistics Council serves its members as a forum for professional and educatioal advancement in the area of worldwide transportation, warehousing, distribution and logistics.

KC Smart Port

KC Smart Port

Kansas City SmartPort is an economic development group for the existing logistics industry in Kansas City and the attraction of logistics investments in the Kansas City Region. KC SmartPort is a nonprofit, investor-based organization.

IWLA image


IWLA members do business with trusted partners. Find the product and service providers who can take your warehouse logistics business to the next level.

AIB International image

AIB International

Since 2004 Ford Storage has been a member of the American Institute of Baking (AIB). Based on today’s level of food safety commitment and values Ford Storage has successfully implemented AIB Consolidated Standards for Food Distribution Centers. Through process control, education, sanitation and documentation Ford Storage has achieved the highest levels of rating. GMP and Food Safety have become the standard at our food grade facility.